Interview Question: ‘How would your past colleagues describe you?’|| 3 best answers to use in your Job Interview

Do you still remember the interview question that caught you by surprise in your last interview? Across my experience, this is the most one, ‘How would your past colleagues describe you?’

Why do Interviewers ask, ‘How would your coworkers describe you?

The number one reason is that I got to understand that, the main reason of this question is, do you know what other people say about you and this question refers to your seniors. Hiring managers understand that when you are aware of what other people say about you, this is one of the key motivating factor for you to perform better.

This is because using feedback is one of the fastest way to your career growth. So, you must know how you come off and how your actions affect others.

Preparing an answer to “How would your coworkers describe you?” forces you to step into the shoes of your former colleagues. It makes you look at your experience from another perspective and analyze your impact on your colleagues.

The second reason of why interviewers ask this interview question is that it helps pinpoint soft skills. While talking about your qualifications, skills and experience is such a great thing, employers also understand the value of soft skills.

For example, many jobs require working closely with coworkers. How you answer can provide insight into whether you’re a team player or not, how you deal with conflict, and more. It’s a valuable, multi-faceted question that can shed light on the type of employee you would be.

So to summarize, it’s a great question for them to assess your soft skills to determine how well you’d fit into their group dynamic and company culture.

How to answer, ‘How would your coworkers describe you?’

This seemingly straightforward question is an opportunity for you to share your best traits. Are you reliable, supportive, trustworthy, or flexible? Focus on the skills and attributes that would make you an asset to the organization.

The best way to answer this interview question is to explain to the interviewer how [your coworkers describe you] will allow you to excel at the position to which you are applying.

In addition to that, explain why you think your previous colleagues describe you in the way you stated.

Rule of this question: Be aware of what others say about you in your professional space.

Sample Answer: I believe that my coworkers would describe me as someone who’s reliable. I have excellent time keeping and attendance record, and I take my responsibilities seriously, completing [what it is you have to do] on time and to a high standard. I have to be reliable in my work as a [what you do], because if I do not do my job other people cannot do theirs. Therefore, it is important to me that I do an important job even when it takes extra effort. For example, [give an example of when you had to overcome a problem or setback, and make an extra effort to get a job done, and the resulting benefit to the team or company].

Why That Answer Works:  This response points to the applicant’s key soft skills, shares a story, and ends on a positive note. 

Example #1: My past coworkers would describe me as someone optimistic. I would think they would say this because I’ve demonstrated how I see setbacks as opportunities to learn and grow. There is always a creative solution to a problem, no matter what it is, and I genuinely love searching for it and working with a team to find it. One particular instance that comes to mind was when previous coworkers from my last job were upset and worried about budget cuts to our Marketing department. I brainstormed a few clever ways to maintain some of our resources on a tiny budget. They ended up being implemented, and everyone was delighted with the result.

Why That Answer Works: In this response, the candidate shows how his/her trait offers something advantageous to employers.

Example #2: I believe my coworkers would describe as someone supportive. I think they would say this because whenever there have been problems or challenges with a task or a project in the past, I would always step up, make difficult decisions and help my co-worker when they needed assistance. I certainly don’t like to sit and just wait for others to do something for me. I always like to be part of the solution, it’s not always easy, but I always like to do my very best. For example, on one occasion, one of my team members lost her family member and when she came back, we could clearly tell she was down due to what happened. As a result, the first two days after she resumed her work, she performed poorly. I decided to gather my colleagues and tell them to do something about her. After we brainstormed what to do, I called her in my office with seven colleagues of my department, and expressed to her how understanding we were about her situation and told her how brave and strong she was, and how she can make proud her past family member by pulling herself together and be to her usual working spirit. The following days she was the first person to show up, confidence and appreciation were all evident in her eyes. In the end, we ended up to getting a very hard working and one of the most productive employees to date.

Why That Answer Works: This response clearly shows that you don’t only care about your own performances but for your colleagues too, which is a good thing to the company.

Key Takeaways:

  • INTERVIEWERS WANT A SENSE OF YOU- This question reveals what you’re like as an employee, so focus on how you are like, or how you would be in your job.
  • KEEP THE JOB IN MIND- Make sure you choose to highlight qualities and skills that are in-demand for the job at hand.
  • SHARE EXAMPLES- Point out specific moments you’ve gotten feedback on, or tell a story that shows you have a character trait.

Other variations of, ‘How would you coworkers describe you?’

  • How do others describe you?
  • How do your friends describe you?
  • How do you colleagues describe you?
  • How would your boss describe you?

There you have it my people.

One sample answer and two example to the difficult interview question, ‘How would your coworkers describe you?’.

My people? I have been working super-hard to create an Ultimate Job Interview Guide that will help you pass your interview job and accelerate in your career path. It’s in two formats eBook and Paperback. So, please make sure to check it out at:

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