‘What Makes You Unique? || 2 Brilliant Sample Answers To Use In Your Interview

When you receive an interview call, you can be sure that you are not going to be interviewed alone. So hiring managers interview many candidates, as for that they hire those with convincing answers. These are the answers that aren’t in clichés, but demonstrate something to employers. 

More importantly, there’s always value in such answers.

Why is the interviewer asking you, ‘What makes you unique?’

Maybe you have a unique ability, some soft skills that other candidates don’t have, etc. Even if not, this question is a chance to show that you understand the job description and the employer’s hopes/needs as they hire for this role, and then demonstrate why you’re qualified. 

How to Answer This Interview Question?

Showing relevancy to an employer’s job is more important than overall skills/accomplishments. So, when you answer a job interview question like, “What’s something unique about you?” always try to pick a skill or personality trait that you can relate to the company’s needs.

To give a more intelligent answer to this interview question, end your response by explaining how that trait/skill will help you perform one or more of the tasks that the job description emphasizes.

This interview question isn’t just about you; it’s about how you can help the employer and the hiring manager.

You will out-perform most other job seekers in the interview if you clearly explain to the hiring manager why your skills are a fit for their job description, specifically.

Knowing the exact process of interviews is key to passing it, this book will help you.

Things to tell the employer about what sets you apart:

  • You have necessary skills, qualities and experience that are a match for the job description.
  • That you are passionate about continuous learning and development
  • That you get along with people easily – which makes it good for their customers or clients

Key takeaway: Just like I mentioned earlier that it’s best to have a specific skill that sets you apart from other people. If they are more, start your answer with the following sentence;

  • My unique combination of skills sets me apart…’
  • ‘I saw that the job description for this role emphasizes…’

Sample Answer #1: My unique combination of skills sets me apart from everyone else. For example, my ability to interact with people in a way that makes them feel comfortable. I am a great person with customers and clients and I am very supportive team worker. This is good for your business because I can help you increase sales and will always put the needs of my team above anything/everything else. Secondly, it’s my drive to continually improve my understanding of how important change is within the organization. I will support the company with its strategic vision and I will help you to achieve your goals.

Sample Answer #2: I saw that your job description for this role emphasizes team work skills and I have read about the variety of clients that your business serves. So, that’s one reason I believe my unique combination of skills sets me apart in this case because I have a consistent track record of achievement which means, if I am hired, you will see a positive return on your investment. For example, in my previous job, I worked as part of a team that helped create new ways and creative ways to increase the company sales. Finally, being someone who is not afraid of failure is another strong reason if what makes me unique. As I will consistently seek ways to help your business grow and improve by going beyond my job description, and seeing how I can do much better for your customers. 

Avoid vague, Non-specific Answer

If you cam tell from the above sample answers there is, ‘for example’, which is further explained by details. That’s what hiring managers want to hear.

Saying things like, ‘I am a hard-working person’ nowadays bore hiring managers because they are among average and lazy candidates.

Other variations of, ‘What makes you a good fit for this role?’:

  • What makes a good fit for this role?
  • What makes you the best candidate for thi role?
  • Why did you apply for this role?

Such questions, you don’t need to think hard, you just give the same answer, which is to communicate how you meet their requirements. In any case, the Job Description is your winning weapon.

There you have it my people.

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