Interview Question: ‘Why should we hire you?’|| 3 Powerful Sample Answers To Use In Your Interview

While we cannot read the interviewers mindset, we can assume that among their top interview questions, interviewers will ask you, ‘Why should we hire you?’ So, we can be sure that they are going to ask this interview question to every candidate, and in such a case you really need a top-scoring answer. So, before we go to ‘Why the interviewers is asking you this interview question and how you should answer it?’, let’s first take a look at the rule of this interview question.

Key Rule of this Interview Question: Treat it like the challenge as it is meant to be. The core message in your answer must be, ‘Because I can provide first-rate creative solutions to your problems.’ If appropriate, recap your achievements, your strengths, skills, abilities and personal qualities.

Why is the Interview asking you, ‘Why should you hire you?’

Again, this is a must interview question to every candidate that attends the interview. So, interviewers ask this interview question because they want to determine which candidate will contribute the most to their company’s needs – who satisfy them. When it comes to this interview question, the only thing that interviewers care about is how you meet their requirements and how you can add value to their company or the position they are offering you. Meaning, they want to hear, ‘what’s in you for them’.

So, providing an answer that clearly indicates how you meet their requirements is the key to success in this case. How do you do that?

Only when you know how to answer this obvious interview question. So,

How to Answer this Interview Question?

While you can be so confident that interviewers are interested in your set of skills, experience and qualities, this is your great chance to convince them why they should hire you among others. So, the best way to ensure this is, ‘to know how to structure your brilliant answer.’

When preparing for your interview, before you even run to the best sample-answer you can use in your interview, make sure to have the job advert with you and highlight the key requirements that they are looking for. The number one mistake that candidates make is throwing away the job advert immediately after applying for the job and when they are called for an interview, they don’t know where to touch specifically because they lost their guide-map.

When answering this interview question, your job as a candidate is to communicate how you meet all their requirements. This means rephrasing the type of employee the company is looking for and you do this by using the requirements that they have mentioned in the job posting.

What you should do to increase your chances of getting hired:

  • Give more than one reason why they should hire you.
  • Give reasons that clearly shows that you meet their requirements and can add value to their company.
  • Give an example of how you have done it in the past with your previous company or in your academic environment.

To make your answer powerful, start it in the following manner:

  • Thank you for asking me that question., or,
  • I am glad you asked me that question., THEN,
  • As I understand, you are looking for someone who…
  • I have always wanted to work at an organization like this one for…

In this article, I am going to give you three brilliant answers you can use in your interview, but be-aware that they aren’t based on any job requirements. Instead, all are about the value or what you can do for the company. So, they are best answers to use, but the fact is they are generic, so my advice, tailor them around your job requirements and you will be definitely in a good position to get hired.

Sample Answer #1: I am glad you asked me that question. As I understand it, you are looking for someone who will add value to your business in this role. So, you should hire me because I am a self-starter, which means I can also be left alone to complete tasks quickly, and on time. I will bring a positive attitude that will be helpful to my co-workers and I will always take responsibility for own professional development. You should also hire me because I have a good record of achievement. For example, in my previous role, I helped the company increase sales and profit margin by continually providing outstanding customer service.

Sample Answer #2: I was hoping you’d ask me that. Well, as I understand, you are looking for someone who has strong communication skills. That’s one of my strengths and something I have been working a lot to develop and improve recently. In my last job, my boss gave me the responsibility to lead a team that was going to give a presentation of a new product during its launching. That’s why you should hire for this role because not only do I have the excellent communication skills, but I thrive inn an environment where I’m trusted to manage my work. Finally, you should hire me because I will do things that make sure you see a positive return on your investment. This will include helping the team to improve customer service standards, increase sales and coming with new and innovative ways to help the company promotes its products and services.

Sample Answer #3: Being a fresher, I believe my two most-qualities; flexibility and adaptability can be considered as a great benefit to contribute to the growth of the company. You should also hire me because of my positive nature, the fact that I am very ambitious person who wants to succeed and because I am somebody you can train up and develop to the person you want me to be. Finally, you should hire me because I am result-driven person. I always focus on outcomes in everything I do in my work environment. For example, during my internship, I was part of a team that helped the company achieve record sales by expanding out the product range and by helping the business advertise its products more universally. To summarize, I have always wanted to work at a company where I will be motivated to achieve outstanding results and your company offers just that opportunity.

There you have it my people.

Three brilliant answers to the obvious interview question, ‘Why we should hire you?’

My people? I have been working super-hard to create an Ultimate Job Interview Guide that will help you pass your interview job and accelerate in your career path. It’s in two formats eBook and Paperback. So, please make sure to check it out at:

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Now, if you have an interview coming up, don’t forget to share the name of your job in the comment section and I will give you some questions and answers to prepare you for it. Now, if you want to have a copy of these top-scoring answers, please make sure to click the below link and download the Top 30 Common Job Interview Questions & Top-scoring Answers:

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